Excursion to Cambodia from Pattaya

excursion to Cambodia from Pattaya Lux

If you come to Pattaya for more than 8 days, then you can safely consider overnight excursions remote from the resort town. It is precisely such excursions that are usually remembered best! One of the most popular excursions lasting more than one day is an excursion to Cambodia from Pattaya.

For those who think that Cambodia is similar to Thailand and they will not see anything new in such an excursion. The fact that these Kingdoms are nearby does not make them similar at all. Cambodia has a different history from Thailand. People in Cambodia even look different from Thais. With its interesting customs, its memorable architecture and history, Cambodia will seem completely different to you.

History of Cambodia

Cambodia is an ancient and historical country where various civilizations have flourished for thousands of years. Its history is rich in events that deserve attention.

Today, Cambodia remains an amazing country with a rich history, amazing architectural monuments and hospitable people. Tourists from all over the world are eager to visit this amazing country to enjoy its cultural heritage and natural beauty.

The history of Cambodia goes back more than 2000 years. The first human settlements on the territory of modern Cambodia appeared in the 2nd millennium BC. e. In the 1st millennium BC. e. The Indo-Chinese civilization arose here, which had a great influence on the development of Cambodia.

In the 9th century, the state of Chenla arose in Cambodia, which united most of the territory of Indochina. In the 12th century, Chenla split into several kingdoms, including Kambujadeshu, which became the core of the future Cambodia.

In the 13th and 14th centuries, Kambuja reached its peak. During this period, the famous temple complex of Angkor Wat was built, which is one of the largest religious buildings in the world.

In the 15th century, Kambuja began to gradually lose its power. In the 16th century it was conquered by Siam, and in the 18th century by Vietnam.

In the 19th century, Cambodia became a French colony. In 1953 it gained independence.

In 1970, a coup d'etat took place in Cambodia, as a result of which Lon Nol came to power. In 1975, the Khmer Rouge came to power and established a brutal regime. As a result of the rule of the Khmer Rouge, about 2 million people died.

In 1979, Vietnamese troops invaded Cambodia and overthrew the Khmer Rouge regime. In 1989, Cambodia gained independence from Vietnam.

In 1993, the monarchy was restored in Cambodia. Since then, the country has been gradually recovering and developing.

Excursions to Cambodia from Pattaya

Excursions to Cambodia from Pattaya – this is a great way to get to know this amazing country. They allow you to see the most interesting sights and learn more about its history and culture.

Main attractions of Cambodia:

  • Angkor Wat - the most famous temple complex in the world. It was built in the 11th century and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Bayonne - another ancient temple complex located in Angkor. It is famous for its giant Buddha faces carved on the walls.
  • Siem Reap - a city located near Angkor. There are many hotels, restaurants and travel agencies here.
  • Phnom Penh - capital of Cambodia. Here you can visit the Royal Palace, the National Museum and other historical attractions.
  • Sihanoukville is a popular resort town located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand.

Our excursions to Cambodia from Pattaya

Excursion tour to Cambodia Classic with a visit to Angkor Wat designed for two days and one night. You will spend the day and night at the 3* Summer Villa Resort hotel. Wi-fi, swimming pool.

The basis of the excursion is a visit to the temples - Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, Bayon, Ta Prohm (known to everyone from the film "Lara Croft"), Ta Kaew.

And also a visit to the royal park, where you will meet flying foxes. 

Excursion to Cambodia Angkor Wat and Phnom Kulen waterfall designed for 3 days and 2 nights. You will learn a lot and swim in a waterfall in the national park.

You will spend the day and night at the 4* Royal Crown Hotel & SPA - Siem Reap Hotel. Wi-fi, swimming pool, breakfast are included in the price.

You will also enjoy a buffet dinner with national dishes (and more) at the Apsara restaurant. During dinner you will see a bright and impressive Cambodian show.

Excursion tour to Cambodia Standard - an interesting two-day trip in which you will fly over the Angkor temple complex in a hot air balloon.

You will spend the day and night at the 3* Summer Villa Resort hotel. Wi-fi, swimming pool. The tour lasts 2 days and 1 night.

You will visit the royal park. And the main highlight of the tour is to fly in a hot air balloon over the Angkor Wat temple complex in the morning.

Excursion to Cambodia Premium is a two-day excursion. The main attractions will be the Angkor Temple complex and watching the sunset at the temple.

You will spend the day and night at the 4* Royal Crown Hotel & SPA - Siem Reap Hotel. Wi-fi, swimming pool, breakfast are included in the price.

You will visit the royal park. Next we admire the sunset at the Angkor Temple. We take wonderful photographs for memory. Then a buffet dinner with national dishes (and not only) at the Apsara restaurant. During dinner you will see a bright and impressive Cambodian show

What to take with you

  • International passport.
  • One color photo 3*4 or 100 baht (citizens of Ukraine, Russian Federation).
  • For citizens of other countries - 2 color photos or 200 baht.
  • Clothes for the second day, clothes for visiting the temple complex - which will cover your knees and shoulders.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Swimsuit (if you want to freshen up at the hotel).
  • Additional funds for purchasing souvenirs

Excursions to Cambodia are a great way to get to know this amazing country and its rich history and culture.

Contact us at phone, leave a request on our website or write to TelegramViberWhatsApp. We will answer all your questions!


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